Team India’s former fast bowler Venkatesh Prasad had pointed fingers many times when Lokesh Rahul was selected in Team India and now the same should be cut once again in IPL. Lokesh raised questions on Rahul and his team. Lokesh Rahul recently had to lose the match against the Gujarat title in the last over, after which Rahul was furious, but Venkatesh Prasad also did not miss taunting and taking the help of social media, he lamented that Lokesh was upset at the time. you tell in court that Finally? In the Indian Premier League 2023, Lucknow Supergiants lost against Gujarat Idol. Along with the team in Odisha, the captain was also forgotten. Lucknow’s captain Rahul did not even understand the defeat, while former Indian cricketer Venkatesh Prasad was so angry on his visit to Lucknow that he took out his anger and even called Team Samay Rahul unintelligent. That’s because in the match Gujar at team. After losing, 135 runs were scored in 20 overs. Chasing a very easy target in T20, Lucknow’s team was able to hold the match till 15 overs, but in the last 5 overs, the bowlers of Gujarat turned the tide in such a way that Lucknow’s team kept watching and lost their match. And the Lucknow team lost the match by 7 runs,After which the captain and the team have been in trouble on social media. Venkatesh Prasad said for Lokesh Rahul that when 30 runs are needed in 35 balls and 9 wickets are in hand then there is a need to bat with bang while chasing runs. In 2020, the same happened with Punjab on a few occasions. Why didn’t he lose where he should have won easily? Hardik, who bowled brilliantly in Gujarat, showed cleverness in his captaincy. Show stupidity in Lucknow, Lucknow’s team was standing on the threshold of victory and with one or two shots, the match would have been in their name. But as soon as 16.5 times the wicket of Close Pooran has fallen. Shattered like a pack of cards, Tithi was able to score only 128 runs at the loss of 7 wickets. Mohit Sharma was brought in the last over and Lucknow needed 12 runs, in which Mohit spent 2 runs while others fell for 4 wickets. In the name of two Mohit then 2 run out. The match in which Hardik did not wish to win, he won. Whereas Johar Rahul was not even on the list. he had his hand That’s why Captain Rahul was seen eating Vivo and after Math gave a strange statement which has become quite viral that Rahul said after the match that I don’t know how it happened but it happened. I can’t say where the mistake happened, but we did it in 2 digits We started well with the bat, but such things happen. We have to take responsibility for this. We were very far into the game and I really didn’t want to take the match down to the last over. I still wanted to play my shots but their bowlers bowled well. Hisar’s partner Lucknow did not suffer much but this performance exposed the batting of Lucknow. The middle order tends to underperform on the day cricketer powder walks in. Lucknow BSP is at number two with cut off marks while Gujarat Kitni is at number 4 with 8 marks. Now it has to be seen how Lucknow will perform 100% in the upcoming matches and how much it is due to its mistakes.